At the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on 28 April 2028, all the members of the PCC whose term of office had ended were eligible to stand for re-election. There is therefore no change in the composition of the Council from last year.

The current members of the Council are:


  • David Carruthers
  • Martyn Gowing
  • Roger Willett

Deanery Synod members

  • Buzz Coster (PCC Secretary)
  • John Glidden
  • Sue Hillier

Lay representatives

  • Gill Bayley
  • Andrew Bond
  • Jean Dodds
  • Jane Earl
  • David Gilbert
  • Judith Haigh
  • Paul Harding
  • Petra Hedges
  • David Hibbert
  • Maxine Platzman
  • Adam Shiels (PCC Treasurer)
  • Hilary Stevenson
  • Alison Vincent-Edwards

St Mary’s Church is a charity registered in England and Wales (1201244)

All members of the PCC are trustees of the charity

Dates of meetings

Meetings of the Parochial Church Council are generally held in church on the 2nd Monday of alternate months.

Meetings start at 7.30pm.

If there is a matter which you would like raised at a meeting of the Parochial Church Council, please notify the Secretary.

Meetings of the PCC sub-committees:

All members of the PCC serve on a sub-committee. These meet alternate months between PCC meetings.

Meetings are usually held in church and start at 7.30pm.

  • Community & Events
  • Fabric & Churchyard
  • Mission & Outreach
  • Stewardship & Finance