Christmas tree background

1 December 2024 – 5 January 2025

9.30am – 4.30pm

(If you wish to visit outside these hours, please contact the festival organisers who will be happy to help make the necessary arrangements)

Everyone is welcome to visit and see the trees which have been decorated by organisations and individuals in our community.

Admission is free although donations to our Christmas charities are welcomed.

Refreshments will be available at the weekends

10.00am-12 noon & 2.00-4.00pm

12 noon-4.00pm

We are delighted to be holding our Christmas Tree Festival again this winter.

We are inviting local groups and companies to come together in these celebrations by participating in our Community Christmas Tree Festival and we hope that you will join us.

Participants are invited to decorate a tree in whatever style they wish to represent and reflect their organisation and the part it plays in our community. Trees may be real or artificial, large or small and will be displayed in the church and churchyard throughout the festival.

We very much hope you will want to take part and bring goodwill and cheer, not to mention hope and smiles, to our town.

In order to assist us with planning, please confirm your participation by completing the information sheet and returning it to the organisers by Sunday 17 November.

Sue Hillier & Fran Willett
Christmas Tree Festival Coordinators

07714 706146 or 07834 385543

Christmas trees will be on display in the church and churchyard of St Mary’s Church, Rickmansworth.

Anyone can take part, either as an individual or as a group. Local voluntary groups, organisations, shops and companies are all welcome.

Setting up and decorating trees will take place on Friday 29 November (11.00am-5.00pm) and Saturday 1 November (10.00am-5.00pm).

Trees can be dismantled and removed from 10.00am on Monday 6 January 2025 (10.00am-5.00pm). We ask that you remove your tree and decorations by the end of this day.

Your tree can be real or artificial, large or small. Once we know what you have in mind, we will allocate you a suitable display place.

Please bring your tree, a stand and those all important decorations. We have some ladders if you’re bringing a tall tree.

We can provide electricity for trees in the church building. It is preferable that trees in the churchyard have solar-powered lights but please talk with us if this is a problem.

Please bring your own extension leads, marked with your name.

Battery-powered lights with a time switch are a good alternative to mains-powered lights.

We will make arrangements for real trees to be kept watered throughout the festival. If your tree is to be inside, please bring a large sheet when you remove your tree so that you can catch as many needles as possible!

The church building is generally open every day and we hope to have many visitors to this Community Christmas Tree Festival . We hope the trees will be enjoyed by all members of the community but cannot guarantee they will not be tampered with – particularly those outside. We trust this will not prevent you from participating in this event.

We will be serving refreshments in the church on the weekends that the Festival is open:

10.00am-12 noon & 2.00-4.00pm

12 noon-4.00pm